Our Approach
Your experience and feedback is very important to us. We aim to resolve any complaints as promptly as possible.
PT Commitment
PT Complaints Handling Procedure
When patients complain, we aim to resolve the matter as promptly as possible. The following procedure should be followed in order to make a complaint or resolve a concern you may have:
1. The person at the practice responsible for liaising with patients regarding complaints is the Practice Manager.
2. If the patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to their complaint and document the complaint.
3. The patient will be requested to put their concerns in writing addressed to either:
a. The practice manager (administrative complaints)
b. The dentist whom the complaint concerns (clinical complaints)
4. We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing normally within seven working days.
5. We will investigate the complaint fully and inform the patient of the outcome of the investigation.
6. If it is not possible to provide an outcome initially and the complaint requires further investigation or if the patient is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint, we will write to the patient to offer to discuss the complaint further and include a copy of this code of practice.
7. As part of the discussion, further information regarding the complaint will be taken from the patient and details of further investigation including an expected timescale will be given as per the practice complaints policy.
Help Us Improve
If you feel there is any way we can improve our service to you and others, please take the time to let us know by visiting our Contact us page.